Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tentative Timeline

1st Semester

Month One - Experiment with ideas, techniques, content. Find the subject matter for the project. Research for paper.
Month Two - Shoot videos. Begin writing paper. Research for paper.
Month Three - Shoot videos. Continue writing paper.

Winter Break (Four) - Edit videos.

2nd Semester

Month Five - Get any re-shooting done. Continue working on paper.
Month Six - Begin building installation. Continue with paper. Getting equipment in order.
Month Seven - Finish building, editing, completing paper.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Jenna Kline
Senior Project - Artist Statement / Proposal – September 10, 2009
Throughout my years at Purchase College I have always been fascinated by video installations. The amount of materials and the workload required to create such a piece has always intimidated me, until now. Since this is my senior project I want to go beyond my limits and create my very own video installation.
An artist who has inspired me to follow this path is Pipilotti Rist. In particular, I am most interested in her piece Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) (which I went to see twice). This piece created a colorful, bizarre, and relaxing environment for the viewer. The sculptural video works of Nam June Paik have also inspired me. A Paik technique that I would like to use is turning a television monitor into a piece of art. Another artist who I find interesting is Ryan Trecartin, who was initially discovered on Youtube and bases his videos heavily on social media sites.
At the moment I am not exactly sure what direction I will go for my final project. However, there are several aspects of my project that I expect to remain the same regardless of the topic I end up choosing. My project will consist of multiple videos played on 2-4 television monitors or projectors. The videos I create will include performance art in some way (Many of my recent project involve performance. See: Finally, one of my main concerns is the incorporation of experimentation and exploration in the videos. I will strive to try new methods and techniques for producing videos.
As for the content of my project I am currently looking into YouTube and it’s social and artistic implications and the viral nature of its videos. I became more seriously involved with Youtube during my summer internship with, a men’s humor/lifestyle website affiliated with America Online. Most of my responsibilities involved working on Youtube for hours at a time. I would spend most of my day making contacts, adding subscriptions, looking for vloggers to work with, shooting and editing viral videos and ultimately trying to make more popular website.
For this type of project I would conduct research to see what the most popular styles of shooting and editing are and what subject matter is most commonly utilized. With this information I would attempt to create videos that would incorporate these popular videos fundamentals. For the physical element of the installation, I will focus on viruses and diseases. I would juxtapose the generally light-hearted Youtube style videos against the darker images of disease and contagiousness.
Another direction for my installation would be a more visually abstract project. I would physically surround the viewer with surreal and distorted video images. My main goal with this piece would be to create an immersive environment for the viewer that will evoke certain feelings and emotions.
I would begin by choosing a theme and then creating several videos or projections based on this core theme. Lighting, music, props and other elements would be incorporated to add to the ambiance. I feel that this idea is stylistically more consistent with the works I have done in the past (see: - this piece is intended to be viewed on a monitor).
Whatever I chose to do with my senior project, I hope to create a piece that showcases my creativity and all that I have learned at Purchase.